42fishes's tiny-site

hello there;; valuable 42 fibre illinium sweet

you silly goose!

welcome to 42fish

nov 12 18<

the very minimal lazy html and css is going to be typical for this website; i know how to web design but for my own personal trash-page im not going to put 100% effort. 42fish tiny site is a place where i post and update stories along with other things such as giving my opinon on issues going on lately. i moved my stories and opinons off social media because social media create the illusion of the user being ' valuable and having a say ' and in the end giving people this sort of bullshit illusion of ' having an actual stance in topics, politics, polls and game development ' just gives them false hope in that their opinon will ' have an actual affect on said topic '. which in the end its bullshit and we all know that.

honestly if you think putting a vote on some twitter poll is going change a tech corps opinon you are living in total idiotic-bliss